Education performance-enhancing drugs.
“If an abusable drug is widely available, it will become widely abused.”
The misuse of Ritalin in schools, colleges and universities, above and beyond the over-prescribed drug itself in the world today is becoming a seriously shocking reality.
The use of unprescribed Ritalin in universities, for example, has become so widespread that it has become an accepted norm to employ when revising for exams, and final-year degrees. Other than its side effects, the ownership of the student's success, when awarded a degree, is actually owned by the drug, so much so, the students subconsciously question themselves as to whether or not they could have achieved their success passed or done as well if they had they not used the drug? Therefore and erroneously are conditioned to continue the use of the drug, seemingly to maintain their career and perceived abilities. As an unfortunate and unintended progression of substance dependency, many will move on to other similar drugs like cocaine, crack or any other similar amphetamine or some form of Methylphenidate substitute.
Unless assessed by a specialist practitioner who in turn concludes the need to prescribe such a drug, I question the use of unprescribed Ritalin and Concerta for exam revision, and exams at schools, colleges, and universities for the sole purpose of coping with, or passing courses. I term the misuse of Ritalin as an "Education performance-enhancing drug", in the same context as a "Sports performance-enhancing drug" used by Lance Armstrong to win. Why? This is "CHEATING". If such a drug is not prescribed by a medical physician for a diagnosed mental health problem of ADHD, but used as an advantage of success must be questioned.
The eye-watering reality, this has been going on for years, the possibility that many physicians, doctors, engineers, lawyers, bankers and other careers are out there as so-called professionals, when they may well have cheated and qualified and hold dishonest degrees, honours, and masters or doctorate, and could still continue to use a drug to maintain a position or demeanour.
A possible solution:
In sporting fraternities worldwide, it is mandatory to have a National Anti-Doping Agency to prevent cheating in sports. In South Africa, this agency is called: South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS). I suggest that a similar Anti-Doping Agency could be introduced to discourage educational performance-enhancing doping. This should be for all standard school exams, Matric and degrees through to the advanced highly recognised academic achievement examinations.
If this was in place, students would be subjected to random doping tests before, during revision, and immediately after each exam. Should the dope/drug test return positive, unless prescribed by a Doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, of any related education-enhancing chemical, the student will be disqualified from the exam. This would deter the use and abuse of such medication in schools, colleges and universities. Standard dope test kit